Report a Concern | File a Complaint | Report an Incident
University staff will review these reports and respond as quickly as possible, typically providing outreach to the reporting student within 3-5 business days. Please note that if this is an emergency or there is an immediate threat to health or safety, you should contact Public Safety at 651-690-8888 or dial 911.
How to Report: The purpose of this reporting center is to provide students with an efficient avenue to report complaints, concerns, and incidents that may arise during their time at Íæż½ã½ã's.
For facilities-related services and requests, submit a ticket via .
Íæż½ã½ã seeks to foster and maintain a community of mutual respect and concern for all of its members.
There can be no greater violation of the terms of that community, or of the essential dignity of any member of it, than an act of sexual assault, sexual harassment, or other forms of sexual misconduct described in this . These acts constitute the deepest affront to University standards and will not be tolerated in any form.
The purpose of the form is to report Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, and all other Title IX-related incidents. Íæż½ã½ã’s also provides for anonymous reporting; however, the University may be limited in our ability to address and assist you.
The Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Coordinators are notified when reports are made via this form. Typically, the details of the form submission will be reviewed no later than the next business day, and a response to the submitter shortly thereafter.
Íæż½ã½ã is committed to cultivating an intentionally diverse and inclusive environment, where the dignity, worth and unique gifts of each community member are valued and respected. As part of that commitment, the University is committed to a work and educational environment that is free from harassment, discrimination, and bullying.
What is a Bias Incident?
A bias incident is an act of bigotry, harassment, or intimidation that are not crimes, violence, threats or property damage that is motivated in whole or in part by bias based on an individual’s or group’s actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. Bias often stems from fear, misunderstanding, hatred, or stereotypes and may be intentional or unintentional.
Examples of Bias Incidents
Bias incidents can be verbal, physical, or visual. This language and behavior often contribute to or create an unsafe or unwelcoming environment. Some examples include:
- Name-calling; using racial, ethnic, or other slurs to identify someone; or using degrading language.
- Creating racist or derogatory images/drawings.
- Imitating someone with a disability or imitating someone’s cultural norm or practice.
Students are encouraged to use the following form to report incidents of bias, discriminatory, harassing or bullying behaviors that may be a potential violation of the .
Your report will initiate the beginning of a fact-finding process to gather additional information and to determine the nature of any investigation that will be conducted by the University.
You are permitted to report incidents anonymously. Please note that the University’s ability to respond effectively may be limited by the level of information provided and/or the anonymity of those who report. The University’s Bias Incident Response Team (BIRT) meets every two weeks to review reports. A Bias Incident Response Team member will reach out to follow up after receiving reports.
Community members are encouraged to use this form to submit information regarding alleged violations of . This information will be reviewed by Student Affairs staff within two business days of report submission. If you have questions about the contents of this form, please contact the Office of Student Affairs to report any incident that may violate any of the University’s policies or otherwise impact a student’s experience at Íæż½ã½ã’s.
IMPORTANT: If the situation being reported presents an immediate threat to your safety or the safety of others, and emergency assistance is required, please contact the Department of Public Safety at 651-690-8888 or call 911.
Academic Affairs manages academic grievances and complaints, which are defined by the . The Provost Office documents and responds to Academic Grievance, which is an educational or personal issue or condition that a student believes to be unfair, inequitable, or a hindrance to her or his education.
The Student Academic Grievance form is used to file a grievance against a person or department/program for failure to follow procedures or academic issues, such as the failure of a faculty member to communicate with the student.
Before filing a grievance, students must discuss their concern(s) with the appropriate person(s) (instructor and department chair/program director/division chair).
If the matter is not resolved or if the student disagrees with the decision of the instructor and department chair/program director/division chair, complete this Academic Grievance form and submit their written decision with this grievance form.
Use this form to share a concern about yourself, another student, or a situation. This form is reviewed and managed by staff in the Office of Student Affairs. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Student Affairs at or by calling 651-690-6778. The Office of Student Affairs is located in Derham 305 and maintains walk-in office hours from 8:00 am-4:30 pm, Monday-Friday.
A student concern is a situation or experience that inhibits the student's ability to function well in the University environment. Student concerns may include but are not limited to:
- A health or other condition that requires a long absence from the University.
- A mental or emotional health condition that causes the student to be a threat to self or others.
- Behavior that is disruptive to the educational environment.
- A traumatic event experienced by a student.
If your concern is related to reporting a Missing Person, we encourage you to contact Public Safety by calling 651-690-8888 at any time, day or night, or by texting through the LiveSafe app. Public Safety is available on-campus, in-person, 24/7/365.
If you do not know which of the reports or forms are appropriate for your situation, you are encouraged to contact the Office of Student Affairs for clarification and guidance. Student Affairs can be reached at or by calling 651-690-6778. The Office of Student Affairs is located in Derham 305 and maintains walk-in office hours from 8:00 am-4:30 pm, Monday-Friday.
As the University makes decisions related to reports, it is important for students to understand their rights after these decisions are made. Students are permitted to appeal most decisions made by the University, based on the circumstances involved, and encouraged to present their rationale for an appeal that will be considered by the appropriate appeal officers at the University. Those reviewing student appeals will differ based on the type of situation and request (Grade appeals, academic grievance, Title IX, Code of Conduct, Bias, etc.)
Other Resources
Student Services and Resources
Student Success at Íæż½ã½ã's is a Students' "one-stop-shop" for academic feedback and student support services. Students can connect with their Academic Advisors, Guide Team Mentors, Instructors, and other connections in their Success Network. The Service Catalog presents a list of student support resources and services provided.
Public Safety
The Public Safety Office is staffed 24 hours per day, year-round. Call 651-690-8888 at any time, day or night, or text us through the LiveSafe app.
Public Safety officers perform routine foot and vehicular patrols of all University property. All officers are certified in basic first aid, CPR, and the use of AED defibrillators.
Visit the Public Safety site for more information about their services.